Slow Manifesto from cubedtv on Vimeo.

Slow is a revolution, an alternative to our obsession with speed.
You see more when you take things a little slower, like you notice every little detail when a film is shown in slow motion.

Slow can manifest itself in any design, object, space or image that encourages a promotion of local artisans, local designers, local flavours.
Its an endless idea you can make your own in any way you want to.
Slow works to counteract fast life and the disappearance of local traditions.
In a loud, crowded, crazy world, its good for the soul to live better by living slower.

Kaoliang 18 février ’09

A propos de l'auteur

30 ans, Eurasien, Paris. Directeur associé de Studio EMF. Ancien diplômé de l'ESC Toulouse. Passionné de mode et de voyages. Amateur de boxe française et d'arts martiaux chinois.

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